Jumat, 08 Agustus 2008

Trio Axido's Album (Part 2)

Hello Guys, It's me again Naomi Anggun Shalomita Siregar who has just published the latest Album of Trio Axido in my blog. For your information, This trio were just from Batam Island recently. They were invited by HKBP Church in Batam to succeed their program in Batam. Yes, it's true that on August 2 and 3, 2008, The HKBP Church had a Gondang Batak for collecting money from all of Church Members and also from other people who respects for the renovation of the Church. Praise God, the program was very success, and the committee of the renovation of the church could get enough money to finish the renovation of the Church. This Trio sang so many songs while they were in Batam. And i tell you what? They really had a great performance, everybody kept on clapping their hands to applaud to this Trio. Well then back to their album, there are 12 songs available in this Album and i devide them into 2 parts. all of the songs here are quite nice, and i do like them so much. If you guys find any difficulties in downloading the songs or have any questions to ask or want to request some songs which are not available here, please don't hesitate to send me an email at naomi.siregar2007@gmail.com, I will be pleased to reply your email. Well, Enjoy the songs guys, and start downloading the songs, God bless ya.


Track Lists :
07. Anita (Cipt. Thomas Pandiangan)
08. Tarpaima (Cipt. Tagor Tampubolon)
09. Rade Do Au (Cipt. William Naibaho)
10. Tarsongon Bungo (Cipt. Mario Hutasoit)
11. Donna (Cipt. Robert Marbun)
12. Surat Narara (Cipt. Star Pangaribuan)

07. Anita (Cipt. Thomas Pandiangan)

Sukkun ma ito tu natuatua mi
Alani aha do hita gabe mardongan
Sukkun ma ito tu natuatua mi
Alani aha do hita gabe marpadan

Natoras mi na manjujui
Mula ni pargaulanta i
Natoras mi na mangorai
Asa gotap padanta i
Tung so huboto do ito
Alani aha hasian
Ikkon gotap ma tali na tapudun i

Sukkun ma ito tu natuatua mi
Alani aha do hita martunangan
Sukkun ma ito tu natuatua mi
Alani aha do hita gabe marsirang

Molo tung au do ito
Sai solsolan mu hasian
Patubu lungun nama i
Patamba sidangolongki
Ai soadong hu hilala
Nasala na hubaen tu ho
Natoras mi do da ito na mangambati
Natoras mi do hasian na mangorai

Unang solsoli au ale ito nauli lagu
Unang salahon au ale ito nauli basa
Marsirang hita nadua
Soada sala di hita hasian

Anita …. Hasian haccit nai diau
Anita … nalagu dangol nai diau
Dang au dope na hot saut di ho ito
Lului ma ito panggattikki

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08. Tarpaima (Cipt. Tagor Tampubolon)

Manetek ilu … molo huingot ito
Lagu mi dana tu au
Didia do ho nuaeng ito, masihol au
Paboa baritam – paboa baritam
Nimmu tu au

Molo naung muli …. Molo naung muli ho ito
Hatahon ma tu au
Nang pe naung marbogas ho ito
Tung so haccit rohakku …
Sai tarpaima au – sai tarpaima au
Di janjittai …

Tung haccit do ito hasian
Na tarpaima – ima
Paboa ma ito …, paboa hasian
Didia ho nuaeng

Tung haccit do ito hasian
Paima – ima baritam
Paboa ma au ito, paboa hasian
Didia ho nuaeng

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09. Rade Do Au (Cipt. William Naibaho)

Aha do ni arsakkonmu
Umbaen sai ro rimasmu
Paboa ma – paboa ma ….

Aha do sibahenokku
Asa pos roham di au
Husipon ma – husipon ma

Hatahon ma tu au aha arsakmu
Ai dang boi tardodo au na diroham
Rade do au mangapul ho, hasian …..
Hasian – hasian rade do au

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10. Tarsongon Bungo (Cipt. Mario Hutasoit)

Maccai angur jala hukkus uhus
Tarsongon bunga – bunga i
Na tubu ditongani alaman
Idaon maccai uli

Gabe tarpangan rohakki da
Alani ulumi ….

Tarsongooi ma bohimi
Maccai lambok dirohakki
Tung naso tarlupahon au be
Nang pe dao sian ho
Manang tudia pe au ito da
Rohakki sai tu ho

Ito hasian ingot sai ingot
Sai ingot ma au, hasian
Boan sai boan, sai boan ma au
Rohakki tung so muba
Tu ho hasian holan ho hoho

Ito hasian ingot sai ingot
Sai ingot ma au, hasian
Boan sai boan, sai boan ma au
Rohakki tung so muba
Tu ho hasian holan ho hoho
Na tarpangan rohakku ….
Ito hasian – ito hasian …..

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11. Donna (Cipt. Robert Marbun)

Beha ma bahenokku hasian
Mangalupahon ho sian rohakki
Aut adong ma juppang au
Na tudos tu burjumi
Na boi dope tarpul au ito …..

Nunga leleng naung muli ho ito
Nunga torop so piga gellengmi
Sahat tu sadarion
Sai huingot dope ho
Hape so huparsitta songoni …

Donna hasian
Boasa ho sai rot u nipikki
Hape nunga pitu taon
Naung muli ho ito
Goarmi sai tong gurat di rohakki

Donna hasian
Sai tangiakkon au ale ito
Asa juppang au tibu
Sirokkap ni tondikki
Unang sai huingot – ingot ho ito

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12. Surat Narara (Cipt. Star Pangaribuan)

Dang na boi be tarlupahon au
Pambahenanmu na tu au di borngini
Tung na ikkon do ito jaloonmu
Sapata sapat ni tondikki nimmu tu au
Gabe las situtu ma rohakki
Laos di husippon ho dope tu au
Natuau do holong ni rohami …

Pos do rohakku umbege janjimi
Gabe hu olio akka pinangidomi
Hape lao do ho somartinading hata
Tinggal ma au manaon na hassiti …

Umbulusanma ito sikkothonokku
Asa sae sasude sitaonokki
Alai ingot ma ito di sapatakku
Sapata sapata ni tondikki

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NB: I will post the album of Trio Amsisi as soon as possible, so Keep Watching my blog Guys, or you will miss it !!! The cover of the album is attached below :



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1 komentar:

iran mengatakan...

Naomi...tolong diralat pencipta lagu "Pajumpang di pengkolan" penciptanya adalah "IRAN AMBARITA" bukan Parlin Panjaitan...thanks.